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The animals are long (about 90cms) and tall (70cm) with very less wool. The average adult weight of the female is 35kg and the male is 50 to 60kg. The birth weight of the lambs is between 3.5 to 4.0kg and the lamb reached a weight of 15kg by 45days.


The sheep are little shorter in height and length with various shades of Brown. Some animals have hairy backs. The birth weight ranges from 2.8 to 3.5Kg and they attain 12kg weight in 45days. The lambs take to suckling fast and the lamb mortality is low. The animals look sturdy and bear the weather changes better. We will be concentrating on the solid brown coloured animals with less hair in Nellore Brown variety. Such animals will have higher dressing percentage.


The wooly animal with long tails grow faster. The wool is of medium texture and is useful to weave blankets. We will continue to multiply these animals to study the growth, meat yield, market acceptability etc.